You Can Do
Something About It

Children See Children Do is a non-profit organization which provides creative resources, education and awareness for parents, children, advocates and professionals in relation to domestic violence. Our vision is to realise the goals of the United Nations' aim of ZERO violence against children.

You Can Do Something About It

ChildrenSee ChildrenDo is a non-profit organisation which provides creative resources, education and awareness for parents, children, advocates and professionals in relation to Domestic Violence

Mission Statement

Assist parents, children & professionals with healthy hope environments

Make a difference in the life of one child from seeing or experiencing hostility in the home. Allow one child to observe and then practice caring virtues so to allow the ‘inner’ child to emerge. When you heal that one child, the cycle of a thousand generations is broken. A thousand more generations will thank you as “Everybody counts and Everybody is needed”.

37th Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark

Creating Hope in Children to Overcome the Effects of Domestic Violence

When a parent is involved in an abusive relationship, it can cause children to suffer in silence. We are here to help change that. This site is dedicated to talking about the issues surrounding domestic violence and providing information on what children can do if they encounter unhealthy situations.

Offering Resources to Develop Conscious Parenting Skills

Children who witness domestic violence feel fear and anxiety and feel that they are not in charge at all.
How can you help? You can enable them be in charge by observing you practice Conscious parenting, showing them the virtues latent in each child. By observing you being caring, for example, they practice that virtue and when you show assertiveness in a situation, they mirror that too: the list of virtues is far too numerous to mention and can be downloaded or bought.
Conscious parenting is one way to help you learn what your child is trying to tell you, especially when they may not have the communication skills and you have to be aware of how you speak to your children.
Is your tone of voice cruel and sarcastic, or is it respectful and encouraging?
Conscious Parenting is about teaching the right beliefs in the mind of a child, instilling logical consequences, allowing children to know their boundaries. Bear in mind, Respect...has to be be received.
It is also about the other virtues Encouragement ... Resilience and Trust that it will all work out. It needs Affirmation. Reminding self that there is an inner child that needs to take the helm and be in charge.


Our Core Values

We want to collaborate with people from all walks of life with the common goal of shedding light on the issue of domestic violence and its intergenerational effects on children.



We begin life with a blank canvas as we grow, this canvas starts to take on life’s stories.

Our parents have a huge impact on how we are going to act when we grow up and pave the way for our own children to behave in a like manner Children See and ...Children Do.

The image created on your canvas reflects the person you are today. It should also reflect the message you want your children to have on theirs.

‘ChildrenSeeChildrenDo’ has been established to break the cycle of thousands of generations – to change the ‘mirror neurons’ in the minds of children, despite them seeing or experiencing violence. These children need NEVER be put in the position of becoming society’s next generation of victims and abusers, just because their ‘mirror neurons’ tells them so.

The ‘wildfire of violence’ impacting our children’s lives has to stop, affecting people from all socio-economic backgrounds and education levels. As a survivor of twenty three years of violence, you will have my full backing in your course of action.

ChildrenSeeChildrenDo is a non-profit organization paving the way for a non-violent way of living, by giving strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children. By aligning itself with the United Nations’ call to ZERO violence against children by 2030, it’s aiming towards an environmentally healthier planet.

It Doesn’t Have to be This Way

ChildrenSeeChildrenDo’ is here to help children experiencing unhappiness - behind ‘closed doors’.

Surely, this is meant to be their safe haven from the world outside.

This site is dedicated to talking about the issues surrounding dysfunctional homes, providing information creatively on what can be done to help improve the family’s sustainability.

Sadly, frequent exposure to violence not only predisposes children to numerous social and physical problems, but also teaches them that violence is a normal way of life.

This increases the risk of them becoming society’s next generation of victims and abusers.

‘ChildrenSeeChildrenDo’ is about giving children solid yet creative information - as per the United Nations' Convention Rights of the Child. We help children develop greater coping skills - their own calmness and stability - even if it means playing with imaginary friends. We have created the FREE ‘R U Ok’ Worry Finger/Dolls a toy to be used as a ’Go To’ tool when they seek an initial outlet for their pain. As their confidence grows, they are encouraged to share those worries and fears with a safe adult, when ready.

We also aim to reassure the parents to seek out their own ‘inner child’, by rejuvenating them creatively ... and enabling them to manage the challenging behaviours in their homes and environment in much healthier ways.